
There is a huge world. come discover it with Me.


Please Follow on this journey 

In less than two weeks I will be leaving the U.S. and everything and everybody I know for a land a world away, come with me to explore the wonders of Asia as I touch down in thailand in less than 2 weeks.
Good morning I’m Dano 

I hope everyone is well today, for me this is the start of an amazing adventure.

In just few short weeks I will be flying out of the US to Bangkok Thailand i’d like to take you all along on this adventure with me. 

So if you see something you like please click like and subscribe.

Ok so here’s the scoop, I’ve sold all my belongings and for the first time in my life I have nothing of material goods other than a small suitcase and a backpack. Nothing to hold me down for the first time ever.

In Western countries sometimes we tend to put great value on things, whether fancy cars, fancy clothes, big homes, all the toys, and these things can take over what’s important, Or should I say trying to 
acquiring these things, keeping up with these things and the time that it takes and the time you spend with them can encompass most of our lives, so for me finding the US is starting to be becoming very very
expensive only adds to this fire to explore Asia. 

So as this adventure is starting, please come along for the ride. Please contact me, but know as a traveler I might need a day or two to return a message or at times longer, I get many many emails so if it 
slips through just give me a follow up email please, if it happens. And finally let me wrap up by letting you know I’m excited I’m terrified I’m happy I’m sad and I have emotions that are running through me 
like a roller coaster. 

Growing up in New York I guess I went from an introvert more towards an extrovert, but travel is always been growth for me and I’m very excited. We can explore my adventure and challenges as they arise. 
So come with me as I travel, rent living Accommodations, travel the BTS, grab taxi, take a sleeper train, motorcycle taxi and the different trains, and take you guys along with me.

Thanks Again and keep looking for Where's Dano?

The Beauty of Thailand

The Adventure of a lifetime

Explore Our Next


Follow Dano, enjoy the journey and lets explore all this world has to offer, make suggestions and please be kind and respectful.
Thanks Dano